Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Massey Theatre can be saved

Click on the title to read the article.


 I for one am highly suspicious of the high number of $ 18 million quoted to bring the theatre "up to code."

Is this quote intentionally high so that the school board can point to the engineer’s report and say, “See, this report says so much is needed, but we cannot afford to upgrade for this much"?

The darned theatre was just renovated!

How many buildings in this city are not up to code? Many houses and buildings were built decades ago that do not meet the new code. They are still being used despite this. Heck, the high school that was supposed to have been replaced years ago is practically falling apart around the students. So why is it such a pressing issue all of a sudden to bring Massey Theatre up to code? I have never heard of any problems with it. And who says the upgrade has to happen overnight? It can take place over several years.

I suggest city council and the school board stop playing political hot potato with Massey Theatre and step up to the plate. There is no reason why this theatre should be torn down.

There seems to be enough money for developments such as Plaza 88 and the waterfront park. Surely, some money from infrastructure grants can be redirected to save Massey.

Annette Simpson

New Westmintser

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