Saturday, October 31, 2009

Facebook | Save Massey Theatre | School Board meeting

How do the performing arts, and the arts in general, benefit our kids?

The proof was in the pudding last night [October 27] (at the school board meeting) as to how having had a performing arts component in their education/lives leads to confidence and innovative thinking in children. The kids who came to speak last night, (most performed on stage in one capacity or other) spoke eloquently, clearly, and brimmed with confidence. Many spoke on the spot without the help of any pre-written speech in hand. Many adults would freak at attempting that. More corporations are beginning to recognize the value of 'design thinking' -that is the abliity to think outside the box. Creative people have the edge in that department. The arts in education fosters that ability that not only serves them well in their future careers but also brings joy into their lives.
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