Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Joyce Jackson speaks out against destruction of the Massey Theatre

To  Mayor Wayne Wright and members of the New Westminster City Council; James Jansen and members of the New Westminster School Board; James Goring, trustee in charge of the High School; Dawn Black, MLA for New Westminster


I feel compelled to write to you after hearing that there is a possibility that the Massey Theatre in New Westminster might be lost to the community for good. That this is even a possibility seems unbelievable to me.

I have lived in New Westminster since 1974, my children grew up and went to school here and the Massey has been an important part of our lives in so many ways. It has been important for high quality, professional productions as well as for local events of different kinds. Over the years we have enjoyed the many wonderful musical theatre productions; with my choir I have sung on the Massey stage several times, once with the Vancouver Symphony; as well as numerous musical events Massey has been the venue for New Westminster School District Professional Development events, as well as for many other graduation ceremonies and school concerts. These are just a fraction of the ways in which the Massey is integrated into the fabric of our city. Massey Theatre is a thriving, well-managed theatre and should be allowed to continue to thrive. It's success is the envy of many other theatres across the rest of Canada.

I understand that we have to be realistic in these days of financial insecurity. However, it would seem that the Engineer's report citing a figure of $18 million is out of line considering it includes unnecessary and contrived features not necessary to maintain the theatre.  Moreover, I understand that this report was compiled without any input from the Massey Theatre Society.  A more accurate figure of $4-$5 million has been quoted by an architect. Surely this option should also be considered.

We have a theatre which would be the envy of most other communities. It just doesn't make sense to pull it down. I understand that a 250 seat theatre is planned but that simply does not remotely compare to what we have now. 

In the Massey Theatre we have a wonderful asset, beneficial in so many ways that it would seem a mistake of boundless proportions should it be intentionally torn down.The simple fact is that once destroyed it will be gone for good. I hope that the people we have voted to be guardians of our city will not have as their legacy the fact that they oversaw the destruction of an invaluable community resource; one that should be used and enjoyed by generations to come.


Joyce Jackson

Citizen, New Westminster

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