Thursday, December 10, 2009

Trustee is sorry meeting cancelled

Trustee is sorry meeting cancelled


Trustee Casey Cook opposes the cancellation of last night's public meeting on the long-awaited replacement high school and says waiting until after the holidays means another month of "inactivity."

Cook, along with the district parent advisory council, had been calling for a public meeting to discuss where to build a replacement high school on a limited site, which includes an old cemetery.

"I don't agree with the direction we are going," Cook told The Record. "I think it's an opportunity missed."

Cook said a number of people made arrangements to attend the meeting, which was cancelled Monday - just a day before the meeting was supposed to take place.

The Vancouver Sun ran a front-page story on Monday on the ongoing saga to build a replacement high school in the district, which began almost a decade ago.

Cancelling the meeting after the Sun's story ran made the district look bad, in Cook's view.

"It's a decision that makes us look questionable," he said. "It helps people come to the conclusion that we need to do better preparation."

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